Happy Halloween everyone! Well, the poor kid probably had a wedgie, but we managed to get his hood up over his head to complete the "giraffe" look (never did get out to get a bigger costume). Thank gosh because it was cold outside today!! Our first significant rain in months, lol, but it stopped in the afternoon, much to the relief of a LOT of kids around here :)
We did take Cam out to a few houses of people that we know in the neighbourhood for his first Trick-or-Treating - Cam was just happy to be outside in his stroller after being cooped up inside all day. He also helped mommy give out candy to all the kids - loved hearing the doorbell ringing and running up to see who was there, plus dropping candy into bags, pumpkins and pillowcases. We turned off our light somewhat early (7:15pm) but we still had at least 50-60 kids come by before then. Popular neighbourhood but NOTHING like what Charles, Sarah and the boys have in Willow Glen.
Hopefully next year Cam will have more fun walking around the neighbourhood, but I've already decided that after 2 days w/the candy, we're going to have a "Halloween Fairy" come by to exchange the candy for a present - Cam wasn't too interested eating in the candy...yet! Want to put that off as long as possible :)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Halloween party fun
Our next door neighbour's Katherine, Jason and Ryan had a great Halloween party this afternoon we were invited too. Lots of food, fun games (a piñata!), more food and running around. Cam fell in love with one of the pumpkin pillow decorations, but also with part of Jason's costume, a Nerf sword. Then there were all of Ryan's toys to play with - it was a busy time for him, lol. Kevin and I got to relax in a very kid-proofed home and enjoy ourselves too with a bunch of other parents (Cam ISN'T the only kid that doesn't sleep through the night!! So nice to hear that!!)
Cam did get to wear his costume (which was a giraffe, like George, natch) but it turns out the 18-24 month size was too small!! His torso was longer than it allowed for the hood, with the really cute giraffe head, to come up over his head, although the sleeves and legs were long enough. Bummer!! I'll try to find something else before Friday for him but we're so disappointed this one doesn't fit. :( Cam was still freakin' adorable in it, hood or not!
The highlight of the night for everyone was the piñata, of course :) Cam was allowed to take a few swings at it (we feared for Jason and Katherine's windows but all is well there!) - he loved being able to participate with the "big kids" and joined in when the piñata was cracked open, although he didn't notice when we stuck the candy he collected in the other kids bags (phew!). We all had a blast and are so grateful to live next door to such wonderful people! (Mommy's streak of fantastic neighbours' continues - Charles and Sarah used to be neighbours too!)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Still loving the new camera
Saturday hijinks before the Halloween party - Cam getting thrown up in the air by daddy :) If I could catch his 28lbs, I'd do it too, but I don't trust myself or my biceps! Cam loves this of course, even though its a tad scary for mommy. As far as he's concerned, the higher he goes up, the more fun it is!
Yay its the weekend!!
Everyone is just happier on Saturdays, aren't they?
We have a fun weekend ahead of us: this afternoon we are going to our wonderful neighbour's Katherine, Jason and Ryan's Halloween party later this afternoon (yay, get to wear our 100% polyester giraffe costume when its 90° out!) and on Sunday we're going to see Grams at her house in Atascadero. More details later!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Cam and the puffs
Everyone once in a while, when Cam gets home from daycare, he's ravenous. Today was one of those days. He sat in daddy's lap and proceeded to eat *a lot* of puffs (ugh - not organic). He had a blast, though. Totally figured out how to get the top off, put his hand into the container and pull out a bunch of puffs that he would then stuff into his mouth and finally closing the container. And then doing it all over again :)
Crazy daycare girls!
Now that Cam's hair has grown out a bit from his scalping back in July, the girls at daycare like to give Cam a mohawk at least twice a week. He's still adorable so its okey dokey with us!
He's also getting good at keeping George close by (in his mouth) while his hands are used for exploring all the stuff in the house. All his toys are gathering dust as he checks out empty boxes, stuff on mommy's desk, pots and pans under the stove, and anything else he can get open :)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Cam laughing away as he smacks himself with a block while mommy says "Ow" for him in the background. We're pretty sure he'll outgrown this phase :)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
How do I get out of here?
Our little man is now climbing *into* anything he can, including, but not limited to: the pantry, the fridge, the laundry basket, the box his birthday present from The Browns (Derek, Evelyn, Adrianna and Garrett) came from, and also his wagon from Grandpa and Grandma (with a little help from mommy or daddy).
Sometimes getting back out isn't quite as easy!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Fun with Grandpa and Grandma!
Cousin Loretta's birthday party was yesterday (of course the first day in MONTHS that we got rain! But it cleared up and ended up being a gorgeous day.) and Grandpa Dick and Grandma Janice were up visiting. They came by on Sunday morning to have coffee and donuts, and play with the blocks that Uncle Steve, Auntie MA and Loretta got for Cam for his birthday.
It was nice to get to see them! We're hoping to see them again in a couple of weeks, when they are on their way back from Oregon, after they get their motor home from up there down to CA for the winter. :)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Cam is learning how to run/trot and loves to run around the house just making noise and reveling in his ability to do so. He's easily distracted though :)
Aren't his jammies cute? They are a *bear* to get on and off, however, but the adorableness of them wins out time and time again...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
How to sit on a stool
Last year our friends the Siripokes (Charles, Sarah, James and Grant) got Cam this amazing wooden stool that has his name spelled in these cool blocks that can come out of the chair for him to play with. He realized this week that he could move the stool around, and also turn it upside down and *presto*, Cam-sized seat for watching "BunnyTown" :) With George, of course.