We got this cute photo of Cam while Grams was over for dinner tonight - he totally looks like he's up to no good. We should get used to seeing this face :)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I'm up to something!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
First thing this morning, we got to do a video chat with Grammie and Grampie on the east coast - so much fun!
After our video chat, and some breakfast, Cam got in on the fun to open presents :) Santa and all of Cam's grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends were super generous, so we've decided to spread out his presents over 4-5 days so that he could enjoy a couple of gifts at a time instead of going into overload with all the new things.We'd gotten this huge box in the mail and it had been a wonderful block on the fireplace to keep Cam from climbing up. Once opened, Cam found a great scooter that he's been enjoying pushing around the house and trying to dance to the music on it. We've really got to get his dance moves on video!
Thank you so much to everyone for their wonderful gifts - Cam loves everything and we love that he's starting to play for a bit on his own :) Merry Christmas!!
here is a bit of video of Cam playing with his new musical scooter - he's figuring out how to ride it but has fun pushing it too...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Photogenic Tuesday!
We had Cam home with us this afternoon and got some photos out in the yard in the afternoon. The light was great and Cam's attitude about it all...well, let's just say there was a range :) Exhibit A - see the final photo!
In the first photo, here is a lovely picture of Cam eating rocks. Fun, huh? Don't worry, we got it out before he swallowed it - mostly he wanted to see our reaction (tried to be neutral but there was lunging involved to remove aforementioned rock).In our next photo, we *finally* have a photo of mommy and Cam. I got to have a shower in the morning and didn't look like a vagabond, which was a nice change. Cam, however, could care less - he wanted to chew on more rocks.
Here we have our obligitory "gorgeous baby" shot. Note that mommy is nowhere to be found while Cam is smiling.
Our last photo is of Cam after he's been told its time to go inside because its getting cold, and its snack time. He was less than thrilled, to say the least. All of this in about 30 minutes :) Cam survived going inside to have his snack and warm up! Ah, the trials of being 15 months old, lol!
Who turned out the lights?!
Believe it or not, Cam managed to pull down his hat over his eyes today - we didn't let it stay like that long, just long enough to get a couple of pictures :)
Cam loves to push/pull stuff around the yard these days; today he was fascinated with the drop spreader.
Off to school - see ya!
"I'm off to daycare - bye! Did you remember my coffee thermos?" :)
Doesn't Cam look like he's got a briefcase (its his lunchbag) and is on his way to work? He's all "business casual", so he'll be in a creative field like mom ;)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Cam and Pumpkin :)
Our awesome next door neighbours' adopted a golden retriever/poodle puppy a couple of weeks ago and today we all got to meet her. It was love at first sight for Cam and Pumpkin (the puppy). High jinks ensued :)
Excuse the dark video; it was after 4pm and about to rain, so very overcast.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
An elf cleaned up our house today
Cam has fallen in love with the dry mop and took it for a spin this morning. In his cute little PJs he looked like a little elf we had indentured to us :)
Only a matter of time before we'll have to pay him to do this!
Friday, December 19, 2008
New Stats!
Cam saw the doc today for his 15 month check up and here are the stats:
29lbs 4oz 93%
33.75" tall 98%
20" head circumference 99%
Apparently when Cam is 2 years old, we can have the doc do some type of measurement with one of his leg bones and that will get us an estimate of how tall Cam will be as an adult. I don't know how accurate that is, but we're still hoping Cam will hit at least 6' or taller :) So petty, I know, but I can't help myself! :) We'll love him no matter what his height, don't worry.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
15 months today!
Cam is 15 months old today - hard to believe! Well, actually not; in the few months since his birthday he's become a very active little boy :)
I've been lax on updates but here is a super quick rundown.
Cam got broncitis but was better by Thanksgiving. Then I got broncitis and lost my voice for more than a week (both K and Cam enjoyed that!). Thanksgiving was great! So nice to have 4 days off :) Holiday shopping is 95% done - phew! Cam is continuing to adjust to the new room at daycare but doing very well overall. Its dark at 5:30pm these days, so he doesn't get to play outside with the dogs as much as he used to but makes up for it on the weekends. We have a fun weekend coming up; K will be in Irvine for his company's holiday party, coming home on Saturday and we'll get our Christmas tree. Then on Sunday we're headed up to the Bay area to visit friends. Hope it doesn't rain so the kids can play outside!! Cam still isn't sleeping through the night but getting closer!
That's the short story - its not very interesting, hence the lack of posts recently. K shot this video this past weekend of Cam on the doggie bed - he's taken over one of Charlie's old beds that just got a new cover put on it...loves jumping on it!