Going out :)
Coming in :)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Momo kite
Cam is chattering up a storm and a lot of it is "mommy/daddy" decipherable, but he's getting better every day. He'll be paakin' the caa in no time :)
Elmo is still an object of great affection and Cam refers to him as "Momo". While at Walmart on Saturday (I know, I boycotted for over 3 months. Trying to boycott again.) I found an Elmo kite, total cheapo thing, for $1, and got it for the boys. I should have looked to see if I could find 2 of them because of 1) the learning curve to put it together, and 2) Cam's fascination with anything daddy touches - best to have 1 for each of them.While daddy tried to get Momo up in the wind tunnel of our backyard, the long green streamers at the bottom proved to be a ton of fun for Cam as he chased them around. He eventually got a hold of one and got both himself and daddy tied up pretty good. After K got them both untied, Cam got a hold of the streamer (started w/2, down to 1 now) again they were both wound up again in 2 seconds flat. The last time Cam wrapped the streamer around his throat! (everyone is fine) Momo, of course, bounced around on the ground, stepped on and is in quite sad shape, but the 4th try got him up in the air.
I'll look for another one next month :) For a buck it provided a lot of entertainment, mostly good!
Things Cam learned in May
1. How to get in and out of his crib on his own (not gracefully but that will come)
2. How to open the refrigerator on his own (that is one heavy door!)
3. How to open the door to the garage on his own (repeat: that is one heavy door!)
4. How to use the doggie door to elude mommy and daddy after bathtime and go running around the yard in his bare feet. Once he figured out the doggie door, its now *his* door to use too :)
Video of the doggie door antics soon...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Goofball at dinner
Cam's learning to make the "Home Alone" face - that's what daddy taught him over Memorial Day weekend :)
He thinks he's pretty funny. (this refers to both of them)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Cam's wagon: multipurpose :)
Typically you'd see a photo of Cam in his wagon (which he can get in and out of on his own very nicely now :) ) but for our Memorial Day BBQ w/our wonderful neighbours, we had to repurpose it to bring over some goodies to share :) Cam had a blast playing with Ryan and we all enjoyed the boys antics (mostly a lot of chasing and yelling). Thanks for having us over, Awesome Neighbours! :)
yes, that is Cam's butt sticking out of Ryan's toy drawer.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Boogie down, young man :)
Cam has learned when we get the video camera out that he can see himself on it. So once he sees the camera, he stops what he's doing (which is what we're filming, lol) and runs over to see himself in the monitor. While very cute, it makes it hard to catch those special moments, like him boogieing down while watching himself dance in the reflection of the tv. :)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Cam and the building blocks
Cam's teachers at daycare have mentioned how good Cam is with the building blocks there, and one has said that it can be an indication of excellent math skills (Cam definitely gets that from daddy but he gets his prolific artistic talent from mommy :) ).
At home, he's quite fond of building tall things, then knocking them down (that's the fun part!). What's so surprising is how tall he can already build stuff - just about as tall as himself, and on a couple of occasions *taller*.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
You reap what you sow
Cam and both doggies are all still trying to come to terms with each other. Its a love/moderate dislike relationship for all. Once Cam can talk better, I think that will change. But for now, unless Cam has food, Charlie and Chance seem to want to keep a bit of distance between themselves and Cam. Much to Cam's chagrin. Listen to the very end of the video :)
Don't call the ASPCA :)
We *think* that eventually Cam and Charlie will be best of friends. Right now, Charlie tolerates Cam but seems much more fond of him when Cam's got food :) Like any good golden retriever!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Don't read anything into this
Cam playing with George in the hall closet. LOL about his "plumber's crack". We feed this kid a lot of food but he's still hovering around 30-30.5lbs. Must just be in a growing taller phase :)