For my 40th birthday, Kevin got us tickets to the King Tut exhibit that is currently in SF. (If you have a chance to go, tickets are half price right now). We decided to make a weekend out of it and contacted my good friend Eric to find out the most kid-friendly area in SF. Turns out he and his family would be in Sweden (Anna is Swedish) for a long vacation and they very kindly offered us their home for our weekend. We can't thank them enough for their generosity. Having a place to put Cam down for naps and bedtime was so wonderful (without having to pay for 2 hotel rooms!) Their home was amazing! Gorgeous turn-of-the-century home, beautifully renovated, typical San Francisco. They were super close to a ton of fun stuff, and we took advantage of it all that weekend!
Cam had a blast running down the hallway of their home! He "played" soccer a lot that weekend. He also had a great time with all of Lucas + Holly's toys - totally different than his stuff at home. :)
We arrived mid-afternoon on Friday, and it was like we were in another world! It was soooooo cold up in SF. It was triple digits in Paso when we left; mid-60s in SF! Luckily we'd planned ahead and brough long pants and sweaters with us :) After boiling at home, it was a nice change.
Saturday morning we got ready and went to the King Tut exhibit. Luckily Eric + Anna's place was really close to the Museum of Science, so it was a quick trip with easy parking. Cam did really well in the exhibit, which was super crowded. No strollers were allowed, so Cam and Daddy did a quick tour then waited outside in the awesome park inbetween the 2 museums while I took a little more time. We unfortunately didn't have our camera with us for this outing, and we missed some great shots of Cam watching a large group of people doing Tai Chi. He also loved watching a group of people practicing being a Chinese dragon but he had the most fun running around inside of an emtpy water fountain with some other kids.
After King Tut, we explored the area a little bit and came across this amazing carousel. Cam loved it! He rode it three times AND WE DIDN'T HAVE A CAMERA! So bummed! We'll have one next time. :)Later, after Cam's nap, we explored the Haight and took a walk back to the park we'd been at in the morning (the carousel was closed, we were all so bummed). Note the wool sweater and that Cam was totally wrapped up in a blanket :) We had a blast - Cam ran around and totally wore himself out.
On Sunday morning we walked around the park by Eric + Anna's - the sun was out and it was gorgeous! We started our drive south around Cam's naptime but he didn't sleep well, and we decided to stop at a park in Willow Glen to have a picinic lunch and play for a bit before the rest of the drive back to Paso. It was a terrific weekend away from home and THANK YOU again to Eric, Anna, Lucas and Holly for letting us stay at their fabulous home!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Awesome trip to San Francisco!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Cam's first Emergency Room visit - whee
Who knew "Ring Around the Rosie" could cause so much grief??
Cam was playing at daycare today, the aforementioned "Ring Around the Rosie" when he tripped, fell, and hit his head on some concrete at the base of a fence post, that for some insane reason was NOT buried underground like all the *other* fence posts in the yard. It was a pretty good gash, and like head wounds tend to be, quite bloody.
The ladies at daycare called us right away (thank gosh we live 2 mins from daycare!) and we dashed over. The gash was still bleeding, and it looked deep, so we ended up at the Emergency Room in Templeton. Ninty minutes, many tears, many under-the-breath curses by the parents at the ER staff for making a little kid wait, one staple later, we headed home.Luckily for Cam (and us), there was no loss of consciousness, no vomiting, so the ER doc could rule out concussion quickly (plus not make us wait around even longer for an MRI). Cam got a surgical glove balloon for his troubles :) The scar will be hidden by his hair, and if he ever decides to go the "bald and sexy" look, I'm sure the scar will just make him more handsome :)
The staple came out 10 days later at a local doc's office, with few tears. Brave boy!!!
We figured we had a couple more years before christening the ER but that's our boy - doing stuff ahead of the curve :)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Cam and the doggies
Every once in a while Cam comes home from daycare full of vim and vigour :) Tonight was one of those nights! After racing around inside, he went outside to chase the dogs - sans shoes as he went out the doggie door - and had a blast. Funnily enough, it only wound him up instead of tiring him out - c'est la vie!
Happy Birthday, Grampie!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Best buddies :)
We met Cam's best buddy from daycare, Sebastian, and his mom, at Sherwood Park this mornig for some fun before it got too hot. We had a great time!!! :)
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July
We were invited to spend the 4th of July up in San Jose with our friends Derek, Evelyn, Adrianna and Garret. It was a gorgeous day up there - mid 80s - their friends Mark, Cherry, and their two daughters joined the fun too.
Cam's 4th of July was all about food and fun :)After some time playing in the pool with the kids (without getting wet, natch), it was popscicle time.
Next: back to the pool.
Then it was time for a 4th of July themed Jello bowl! (no alcohol :) )
After Jello, it was time to play house with all the kids running in and out. Amazingly, no fingers were smooshed in all the excitement.
The kids' sugar was low, so cupcakes were brought out for everyone to enjoy.
Hope everyone had an awesome 4th of July!!!