Sunday, February 3, 2008

Happy Weekend!

Hello folks :) Happy weekend to everyone! Cam is almost recovered from his cold (as are his parents!) and doing better and better at daycare. He really likes one of the gals inparticular and will actually EAT for her, which is a huge step forward. The daycare has been super about working with us to try to get Cam settled in there, sleeping well and eating while there, which has been terrific.

While I still have some slight disgruntledness (with myself) about not being able to take care of Cam and work fulltime, this does seem like a good situation for him; he's around other people and kids, and loves watching everything. Ironically, starting daycare coincided with a slowdown at work for me, so Cam is still doing half days and acclimating nicely. Mommy is too :)

We're racing towards his 5-month birthday and he's changing every day. This week he's been trying hard to pull his knees up under him, which we're positive he saw this at daycare and is trying to mimic one of the other kids crawling. He continues to like to stand up on his own, with us providing a little balance, and survey the world from this different perspective. Its only been a month, but he's almost completely outgrown most of the clothes Grammie sent for Christmas. Grandma sent stuff for 12 months+, which we'll be trying on soon - someone has quite the baby belly and needs some extra room in his pants :)

He's sleeping much better at night, about 7 hours at a stretch - woohoo! He loves loves loves the dogs and they sends him into fits of "banguage" when they come up to sniff him. We're trying to teach him "gentle" with them b/c he loves to grab their fur, which both Charlie and Chance have been incredibly patient with. They both seem to adore him too, Chance more than Charlie, but Charlie will come around once Cam starts solids, most of which we're sure will end up on the floor.

Cam's mastering the "Pfffft" or "Bfffft" and drooling like a fiend while doing so - this kid has things to say :) His hair is coming in nicely and he only has half of his previous "Friar Tuck" look going in the back of his head. Eyes are still blue, but we have time for them to turn green still - I am holding out hope! Not that blue aren't wonderful, but it would be nice for him to end up with mommy's green eyes and daddy's super long curly dark eyelashes - he'll be a ladykiller!!

Love to everyone - enjoy your weekend!! More photos soon!