Thursday, November 8, 2007

2 month checkup: 98th percentile :)

Cameron had his 2 month checkup today with Dr. Nave and is continuing to grow leaps and bounds. 15lb 14oz (our scale at home was pretty close) and 25" long. Overall in the 98th percentile for everything. This again explains why he doesn't fit into all the cute clothes his Grandma Ruthie on the east coast just got him :) Our giant, not-quite-2-month-old baby is already in clothing for 6 month olds, lol.

He did have to get 4 (!!!) shots and that went as well as could be expected; no photos of THAT momentous occasion (it was horrible to watch; poor little guy just shrieked).

He's ok now, taking a late afternoon nap while he waits for mom to stop working and play with him :)

Eight Week Stats
15lb 4oz
25" tall