Sunday, March 2, 2008

The first taste of applesauce

So far Cam seems to be a veggie man :) Later on this week we'll try bananas and hopefully he'll like those!

Both Cam and I have been sick since Friday with your basic cold and cough. I'm lousy at taking temps, but according to my palm, neither of us have fevers :)

Cam's cough was disconcerting, but a trick we found online (rubbing Vicks on the bottom of his feet, then slipping on socks under his jammies) has helped him quite a bit. We did try the steamy-bathroom yesterday, and that provided some relief too. He's on the mend! That's cold #3 for both of us since starting daycare.....3 in 6 weeks!!!! As long as Cam ends up with awesome immunity when he gets a little older, it will be worth it...


The Grant Family said...

Can sympathise! Normally I'm pretty immune to colds, but this year have had four so far! Calum has had a few ear infections and cold too, but it's us at the moment suffering: both can hardly speak for the last week!